Recently, a multinational financial services corporation announced a food supply chain pilot that will be used by a major United States food cooperative to track salmon, cod and shrimp. The goal is to provide greater visibility into ethical sourcing and environmental compliance of seafood. According to reports, the pilot is built on the financial services firm's proprietary blockchain technology, which provides industry-agnostic track-and-trace functionality.

Another enterprise pilot took off this week in the real estate sector. The largest source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean engaged blockchain startup ChromaWay to record land registration and lending in Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay on a blockchain over the next two years. The solution has multiple layers, including a blockchain rooted in relational databases, a smart contract programming language and the option to deploy on a public blockchain, Chromia. In addition to tech, the project will focus on governance and standards such as the W3C standard for Verifiable Claims and Decentralized Identifiers. ChromaWay's platform was previously used for tracking land titles in Sweden.

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