20 August 2019

New Deductible Percentage For Sponsorship Expenses



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Firm in Russia. Since the Moscow office opened in 1994, Noerr has established a strong reputation for highly complex corporate and commercial work in Russia. A strong team of 25+ Russian and international experts (including 9 partners) provides a multitude of corporate clients with premium full service advice on all legal and tax matters of their Russian businesses. In 2019 Noerr celebrates its 25-years anniversary in Russia.
Starting August 2019, companies are entitled to deduct a higher percentage of sponsorship expenses from their corporate income tax, i.e. 0.75%
Romania Tax

Law no. 156/2019, which was published in the Official Gazette no. 625 / 26 July 2019 and entered into force on 29 July 2019, sets a new sponsorship percentage

Starting August 2019, companies are entitled to deduct a higher percentage of sponsorship expenses from their corporate income tax, i.e. 0.75% (previously 0.5%) of their turnover, but no more than 20% of their corporate income tax.

We kindly remind you that the tax deduction can only be taken if the beneficiary of the sponsorship is enrolled in the Registry of non-profit legal entities entities/religious entities on the date on which the contract is concluded. The list of entities enrolled in the Registry can be accessed here:

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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