24 September 2024

Power Outages May Affect Immigration Processing

The government of Ecuador has announced scheduled electric power outages throughout the country September 23-27, 2024...
Ecuador Immigration

The government of Ecuador has announced scheduled electric power outages throughout the country September 23-27, 2024, in order to reduce the electricity load in Ecuador. The power outages, which are approximately eight hours daily, affect all public and private entities, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (which processes all in country immigration applications) and the Civil Registry (which issues local Identity Cards typically required for initiating financial and administrative processes in Ecuador such as opening bank accounts and signing lease agreements). Employers and foreign nationals should be prepared for possible delays or rescheduled appointments during the next few days, which may affect employee start dates in Ecuador. The government has announced that Ecuador is going through the worst drought of the last six decades, which may result in additional power outages in the next few weeks or months. Fragomen is working with affected clients for case-specific advice. We will report on relevant developments.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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