Effective, July 1, 2024, spousal reunification rules have been relaxed. First, spouses who have at least five years of employment in positions significantly involving communication in Danish are now exempt from formal Danish language requirements as part of any spousal reunification applications. Danish authorities have clarified that "significantly involved communication" means that Danish language communication occurred "on a daily basis and as a significant part of a work day" and the spouse "had frequent written or oral contact in Danish with Danish speaking persons", whether colleagues, citizens, customers, patients or other persons. Second, the financial guarantee for a spousal reunification application has decreased to DKK 57,000 (down from the previous DKK 114,000). Through making family reunification easier, these reforms may increase talent retention – which, alongside attracting talent in the first place, has become a key lever in European efforts to resolve underlying labor shortage challenges.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.