Key Points
- Decreased processing fees for the issuance of single work permits in Belgium beginning 26 May 2022
The government of Belgium will decrease the processing fees for specific work permits to EUR 126. These work permit types include applications for highly qualified workers, seasonal workers, Blue Cards and European Union (EU) intra-company transfer (ICT) permits. The fee must be paid to the FPS Home Affairs, Immigration Department in Brussels.
What are the Changes?
The fee of EUR 126 is applied to any visa required nationals who remain in Belgium for more than 90 days on specific work permit types, including the Blue Card, work permits for highly qualified positions, Single Permits and EU ICT permits. Prior to 26 May 2022, the fee had been set to EUR 366.
Originally published MAY 24, 2022
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.