Earlier this summer, WhistleB co-founder Karin Henriksson was interviewed in a business ethics podcast called Ethics Talk. The podcast was hosted by Anna Romberg & Nina Ratsula of the Nordic Business Ethics Network, a network that focuses on business ethics, compliance and corporate conduct.
The main focus of the podcast was the recently passed EU Whistleblower Protection Directive, and its implications on organisations across Europe. Listen to the podcast to find out:
- Four of the key requirements that companies will need to adhere to.
- Why just setting up a whistleblowing system and posting a link to it is not going to get you that business-critical information.
- How the EU law will help prevent retaliation against whistleblowers who dare to report on unethical or illegal behaviour.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.