10 December 2019

"Mobility Allowance"

Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP


Marshall, Gerstein & Borun is a full service intellectual property law firm that protects, enforces and transfers the intellectual property of clients in more than 150 countries worldwide.  Nearly half the Firm’s professionals have been in-house as general counsel, patent counsel, technology transfer managers, scientists or engineers, and offer seasoned experience in devising and executing IP strategy and comprehensive IP solutions. Learn more at
In an article published in Intellectual Property Magazine's December 2019/January 2020 issue, Julianne Hartzell gave a roundup of trade secret trends from 2019 and what to expect in 2020.
United States Intellectual Property

In an article published in Intellectual Property Magazine’s December 2019/January 2020 issue, Julianne Hartzell gave a roundup of trade secret trends from 2019 and what to expect in 2020.

“In 2019, we saw several continuing trends in the trade secret space, primarily focused on the eternal balance between allowing companies to protect their investment in trade secret information without unnecessarily restricting employees’ choices after leaving. The balance tipped in favor of employees this year as many states took steps to limit employers’ use of restrictive covenants, particularly for low wage employees,” Hartzell said.

This year saw continued legislative activity seeking to limit restrictive covenants as several states, including Illinois, have enacted statutes preventing the use of non-competes for low wage workers.

In terms of a 2020 outlook, Hartzell expects to see a continued growth of cases filed in federal court under the Defend Trade Secrets Act and hopes these cases will continue to clarify the statute’s application and scope.

Subscribers may access Ms. Hartzell's article "Mobility Allowance" on Intellectual Property Magazine online. 

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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