8 March 2014

Opening Day: It’s All About The Lineup

Don't look now, but Opening Day isn't too far away. Even now, eager rookies and wily veterans are back on the diamond.
United States Media, Telecoms, IT, Entertainment

Don't look now, but Opening Day isn't too far away.  Even now, eager rookies and wily veterans are back on the diamond.  For now, they're in warmer climes, in fictional leagues named after tropical fruit.  As one of my favorite movies from childhood puts it, It Happens Every Spring.  Indeed, it is only a matter of time — the snow will thaw, the ivy will be pruned in Chicago, Alex Rodriguez will sit on the couch.  (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

But in all seriousness, it is a time of revival, a time of hope.  A time when each and every team has an equal shot at the pennant.  The key?  The lineup, of course.

It is much the same with law firms.  How do you build a contender?   A mixture of youthful energy and veteran savvy.  Sharp reflexes.  Versatility, of course.  And like baseball players, lawyers must be able to play both offense and defense.  And at the end of the day, it's all about teamwork.  If only we had Vin Scully to call play-by-play.

As the players take to the field, we'll take to the courthouse.  Play ball.

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