31 March 2016

Case Update: Cuozzo Speed Technologies v. Lee

Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP


Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP is a law firm dedicated to advancing ideas, discoveries, and innovations that drive businesses around the world. From offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia, Finnegan works with leading innovators to protect, advocate, and leverage their most important intellectual property (IP) assets.
On Friday, January 15, 2016, the Supreme Court of the United States granted certiorari in Cuozzo Speed Technologies, LLC v. Lee, No. 15-446.
United States Intellectual Property

On Friday, January 15, 2016, the Supreme Court of the United States granted certiorari in Cuozzo Speed Technologies, LLC v. Lee, No. 15-446. The petition has been closely followed since it was filed on October 6, 2015, and the briefing addresses the following issues, which have been hotly debated since the inception of AIA post-grant review:

  1. Whether the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit erred in holding that, in inter partes review (IPR) proceedings, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board may construe claims in an issued patent according to their broadest reasonable interpretation (BRI) rather than their plain and ordinary meaning, as applied in federal district court; and
  2. Whether the Federal Circuit erred in holding that, even if the Board exceeds its statutory authority in instituting an IPR proceeding, the Board's decision whether to institute is judicially unreviewable.

Denied en banc rehearing by the Federal Circuit on July 8, 2015, over five dissenting judges, this case involves the first AIA issue to successfully reach the Supreme Court for consideration.

News and Media Resources

Wait, There's a Second Issue in Cuozzo?, 2/5/16

In re Cuozzo: Thumbs Up for the PTAB, March 2015

In re Cuozzo: A Landslide Victory for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Almost, 2/13/15

Reading the Tea Leaves: In re Cuozzo and the Federal Circuit's Consideration of PTAB Institution Decisions and Claim Construction, 11/28/14

Finnegan Blog Posts

High Court Accepts First AIA Cast, Could Rule By June 2016, 1/20/16 

Review of Institution Decision Barred Unless Board Exceeds Its Authority – A Tale of Two Decisions, In re Cuozzo Speed Technologies and Versata v. SAP America, 7/23/15 

Divided Federal Circuit Panel Upholds Non-Appealable Nature of PTAB Institution Decisions (Part II), 2/10/15 

Divided Federal Circuit Panel Upholds Broadest Reasonable Interpretation Standard, Non-Appealable Nature of PTAB Institution Decisions (Part I), 2/6/15 

Appeal of First IPR to Federal Circuit (Part II): Oral Argument, 12/12/14 

Appeal of First IPR to Federal Circuit (Part I): Issues Presented in Briefing, 11/19/14 

PTAB Applies Stringent Standards for Conception and Reduction-to-Practice Standards, 12/3/13 

The First IPR Is in the Books – Analysis of the PTAB's Decision in Garmin v. Cuozzo: A Three Part Series, 11/25/13 

PTAB Denies Motion to Amend Claims in First IPR Final Written Decision, 11/26/13 

What Information Will the USPTO Allow to Be Sealed During an IPR?, 4/24/13 

Limits on Discovery in IPRs: No Fishing Expeditions for Information Relating to Infringement, 4/15/13

PTAB Documents

Cuozzo Final Written Decision – 11/13/13  

Garmin's Reply to Cuozzo's Patent Owner's Response – 5/21/2013 

Garmin's Reply to Cuozzo's Motion to Amend – 5/21/2013 

Cuozzo's Patent Owner's Response – 3/11/2013 

Cuozzo's Motion to Amend – 3/11/2013  

Garmin's IPR Petition – 9/16/2012

Federal Circuit Documents

Cuozzo Fed. Cir. En Banc Denial – 7/8/15  

Cuozzo Fed. Cir. Petition for En Banc Rehearing – 7/6/15  

Cuozzo Appeal from PTAB to Fed. Circ. – 2/4/15  

Cuozzo Oral Argument – 12/12/14 

Supreme Court Documents

Amicus Briefs in Support of Cuozzo or Neither Party

Cuozzo's Merits Brief

Petition for Writ of Certiorari Granted – 1/15/16

Cuozzo's Petition for Writ of Cert filed – 10/6/15 

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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