16 November 2018

Another Call For Non-Compete Reform

Berman Fink Van Horn P.C.


Berman Fink Van Horn is a full-service business law firm. Our entrepreneurial lawyers help clients run their business. We help start and grow a business - and avoid and resolve business issues along the way. With an exceptional reputation for highly responsive and personal service, finding creative business solutions is a cornerstone of the firm.
While non-compete legislation at the federal level is highly unlikely under the current administration, calls for non-compete reform, especially for lower level employees, have continued to gain steam.
United States Employment and HR

While non-compete legislation at the federal level is highly unlikely under the current administration, calls for non-compete reform, especially for lower level employees, have continued to gain steam.  Most recently, the editorial board of Bloomberg weighed in on the issue.  The board advocates for legislation at the state level narrowing the scope and use of non-competes.  Bloomberg argues that non-competes impede job growth, worker mobility and entrepreneurship.  The editorial can be found here.

Whether or to what extent legislation addressing the overuse of restrictive covenants, including non-competes, will be passed remains to be seen. In any case, employers need to remain abreast of these developments to ensure compliance.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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