3 February 2025

DMCAR Trend #10 – The Change At The White House Signals A Decreased Role For Government Enforcement Litigation (Video)

Duane Morris LLP


Duane Morris LLP, a law firm with more than 900 attorneys in offices across the United States and internationally, is asked by a broad array of clients to provide innovative solutions to today's legal and business challenges.
Government enforcement litigation is similar in many respects to class action litigation. In lawsuits brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), as well as the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), government enforcement claims typically involve significant monetary exposure, numerous claimants, and complex procedures.
United States Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration

Duane Morris Takeaway: Government enforcement litigation is similar in many respects to class action litigation. In lawsuits brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), as well as the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), government enforcement claims typically involve significant monetary exposure, numerous claimants, and complex procedures. These types of lawsuits most often pose reputational risks to companies.

Watch the video below to hear all about this trend with partner and DMCAR editor Jerry Maatman:

As the White House shifts from blue back to red, the incoming Trump Administration has promised less government oversight of business and less regulation, thereby signaling less government enforcement litigation. Change, therefore, is inevitable.

Although agencies like the EEOC will retain their democratic majorities until 2026, President Trump ran on a platform that runs counter to many of the "emerging issues" on the EEOC's current priority list, signaling a future realignment if not an "about face" on the horizon. Consistent with the precedent established by the Biden Administration, President Trump will appoint new general counsel of the EEOC as well as the NLRB as the new administration settles into place, thus having an immediate influence on the enforcement trajectory of the agencies.

Historically, the EEOC and DOL are among the most aggressive federal agencies in terms of prosecuting government enforcement litigation. In the face of change and a reduction in such enforcement litigation, companies can expect the private plaintiffs' bar "to fill the litigation void."

Litigation And Settlement Trends

In FY 2024 (October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024), the EEOC's litigation enforcement activity showed a notable decrease in filings in a year of transition for America.

Although the total number of lawsuits filed by the EEOC decreased from 144 in 2023 to 110 in FY 2024, the EEOC's targeted efforts involve a bevy of September filings concerning discrimination allegations against employers across myriad industries.

Each year, the EEOC's fiscal year ends on September 30, and the final sprint for EEOC-initiated litigation in September 2024 aligned with prior "last-month" enforcement efforts.

This past year, 67 lawsuits were filed in September, equal to the 67 filed in September of FY 2023.

As with other fiscal years, the EEOC's filing patterns remained consistent through June 2024, with a slight increase in July 2024, another slight increase in August 2024, and significant jump in September 2024.

Of the 110 total filings this year, more than half – 67 total – were filed in September. The following chart shows the EEOC's filing pattern over FY 2024:


Comparing these fiscal filings in FY 2024 to previous years, a significant decrease exists from FY 2023 (144 lawsuits), which was an outlier in terms of EEOC litigation in the post-COVID era. The following graph shows the EEOC's year-over-year fiscal year filings beginning in FY 2017 through FY 2024:


Lawsuit Filings Based On EEOC District Office

In addition to tracking the total number of filings, the litigation filing patterns of the EEOC's 15 district offices are telling. Some districts tend to be more aggressive than others, and some focus on different case filing priorities. The following chart shows the number of lawsuit filings by EEOC district offices over the course of FY 2024.


In FY 2024, Philadelphia had the most filings with 14, followed by Atlanta, Chicago, and Indianapolis with 11 each, followed by Phoenix with 9 filings, Charlotte, Houston, and New York with 7 each, and Birmingham, Miami, and San Francisco with 6 filings each. Dallas, Memphis, and St. Louis had 5 filings. Notably, Los Angeles had no filings.

While filings across the board were down, the most noticeable trend of FY 2024 was the filing jump in Atlanta (11 lawsuits), compared to FY 2023 where Atlanta had 9 fillings.

In contrast, Philadelphia had a significant decrease in filings (14 lawsuits), compared to FY 2023 where Philadelphia amassed 19 filings.

Like FY 2023, Chicago and Indianapolis remained steady near the top of the list again with 11 filings each, down from the 13 filings both districts launched in FY 2023.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, New York filings (7 lawsuits) fell slightly compared to its 10 filings in FY 2023, and Los Angeles (0 lawsuits) significantly fell compared to its 10 filings in FY 2023.

Although filing trends were down for all Districts, the 110 total filings demonstrate the EEOC maintained its litigation strength, both at the national and regional level.

Lawsuit Filings Based On Type Of Discrimination

In terms of the statutes and theories of discrimination alleged by the EEOC over the past year, several trends emerged, so as to determine how the EEOC is shifting its strategic priorities.


When considered on a percentage basis, the distribution of cases filed by statute remained roughly consistent in comparing FY 2024 and FY 2023. As can be seen from the graph, Title VII cases once again made up the majority of cases filed, as they constituted 61% of all filings in FY 2024 (significantly down from 68% of all filings FY 2023, down from the 69% filings in FY 2022, and equal to 61% in FY 2021).

Overall, ADA cases also made up a significant percentage of the EEOC's FY 2024 filings – totaling 41%. This is an overall increase in previous years where ADA filings amounted to 34% in FY 2023, 29.7% in FY 2022, and just below the 37% in FY 2021.


There was also a downward trend in ADEA filings, as 7 ADEA cases were filed in FY 2024, after 12 age discrimination cases were filed in FY 2023 and 7 age discrimination cases filed in FY 2022. However, unlike FY 2023, this past year the EEOC filed four Pregnant Worker's Fairness Act cases (PWFA) after the PWFA went into effect on June 27, 2023.

These graphs show the number of lawsuits filed according to the statute under which they were filed (Title VII, Americans With Disabilities Act, Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Equal Pay Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Pregnant Worker's Fairness Act, and Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act) and, the graph above shows the basis of discriminatory allegations.

Lawsuits Filings Based On Industry

In monitoring the EEOC's filings by industry, FY 2024 mirrored EEOC-initiated lawsuits in the top three industries compared to FY 2023, thereby demonstrating the Commission's focus on a few major industries.

Three industries were the primary targets of lawsuit filings in FY 2024, including Hospitality (Restaurants / Hotels / Entertainment) with 23 filings, Healthcare with 22 filings, and Retail with 21 filings.

The next set of industries did not amount to double-digit filings, but are still well within the EEOC's sights, including Manufacturing with 11 filings; Logistics with 7 filings; Construction with 4 filings; and Property Management with 3 filings.

This aligns with FY 2023, where Hospitality (primarily Restaurants) was the industry at large with 28 filings. In second and third place were Retail and Healthcare, respectively, with 24 filings. Absent from FY 2024's industry-based filings, however, were Automotive, Security, and Technology.


Systemic Lawsuits

The EEOC exhibited a renewed focus on systemic discrimination lawsuits this past year. "Systemic" discrimination, according to the EEOC, involves an alleged "pattern or practice, policy and/or class ... where the discrimination has broad impact on an industry, profession, company, or geographic location." These sorts of lawsuits are the most challenging and serious type of government enforcement litigation that companies face.

The EEOC filed 13 systemic lawsuits in FY 2024. By comparison, it brought 25 systemic lawsuits in FY 2023, nearly double the number it filed in each of the prior four years.

The 25 systemic lawsuits filed by the EEOC in FY 2023 likewise constituted the largest number of systemic filings in the past five years.

The graphic shows this year-over-year filing trend:


While these numbers continue to climb, they do not yet reflect the activity that employers observed prior to FY 2018. By the end of FY 2018, the EEOC had 71 systemic cases on its active docket, two of which included over 1,000 victims, and systemic cases accounted for 23.5% of its active docket in that year.

Strategic Priorities

Every few years the EEOC prepares a Strategic Enforcement Plan to focus and coordinate the agency's work and identify subject matter priorities. This past year, the EEOC released its Strategic Enforcement Plan for Fiscal Years 2024-2028.

In the 2024-2028 Strategic Enforcement Plan, the EEOC identified three guiding principles. First, the Commission states that to maximize the EEOC's effectiveness, it will focus on those activities that have the greatest strategic impact, including systemic investigations, resolutions, and lawsuits. The EEOC thus "reaffirms its commitment to a nationwide, strategic, and coordinated systemic program as one of the EEOC's top priorities."

Second, the EEOC states that it will take an integrated approach at the agency that promotes collaboration, coordination, and information sharing throughout the agency. It explains that "[e]ffective systemic enforcement requires communication and collaboration between the EEOC's legal and enforcement units, between headquarters and the field, and across EEOC districts."

Third, the EEOC states that it will ensure that it achieves results "in accordance with the priorities set forth in the [Strategic Enforcement Plan]." This signals that the Commission will continue to emphasize and prioritize the use of systemic, pattern or practice lawsuits to accomplish its agenda.

As in years past, the Strategic Enforcement Plan also sets out the EEOC's six substantive priorities.

#1 – Eliminating Barriers In Recruitment and Hiring – The EEOC will focus on recruiting and hiring practices that discriminate, including, among other things the use of technology, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, to target job advertisements or assist in hiring decisions; job advertisements that exclude or discourage certain protected groups from applying; and the use of screening tools or requirements that disproportionately impact workers on a protected basis, including those facilitated by artificial intelligence or other automated systems.

#2 – Protecting Vulnerable Workers – The EEOC will focus on harassment, retaliation, job segregation, discriminatory pay, disparate working conditions, among other things, that impact "particularly vulnerable workers," which include immigrant and migrant workers; people with developmental or intellectual disabilities; individuals with arrest or conviction records; LGBTQI+ individuals; temporary workers; older workers; individuals employed in low wage jobs, including teenage workers; among others.

#3 – Addressing Selected Emerging And Developing Issues – The EEOC will continue to prioritize issues that may be emerging or developing, which includes qualification standards and inflexible policies or practices that discriminate against individuals with disabilities; protecting workers affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions; and addressing discrimination influenced by or arising as backlash in response to local, national, or global events.

#4 – Advancing Equal Pay Protections for All Workers – The EEOC will continue to focus on combatting pay discrimination in all forms. It notes that, because many workers do not know how their pay compares to their co-workers' pay and, therefore, are less likely to discover and report pay discrimination, the EEOC will continue to use directed investigations and Commissioner Charges to facilitate enforcement.

#5 – Preserving Access to the Legal System – The EEOC will focus on policies and practices that discourage or prohibit individuals from exercising their rights or impede the EEOC's enforcement efforts, including, among other things, overly broad waivers, releases, or non-disclosure agreements; and unlawful, unenforceable, or otherwise improper mandatory arbitration provisions.

#6 – Preventing and Remedying Systemic Harassment – The EEOC will continue to focus on combatting systemic harassment in all forms. It notes that, with respect to charges and litigation, a claim by an individual or small group may fall within this priority if it is related to a widespread pattern or practice of harassment.

Some – but certainly not all – of the EEOC's lawsuits initiated over the past year fall into one or more of these six categories. The EEOC's focus on systemic litigation underlies many of these enforcement priorities. Because the EEOC views systemic cases as having a particular strategic impact, insofar as they affect how the law influences a particular community, entity, or industry, companies should brace for the expansion of these cases.

What's Next For The EEOC?

Now that the EEOC has a majority of Democratic-appointed Commissioners firmly in place, along with a significantly increased proposed budget, we expect that the Commission is posed for continued expansion of enforcement activity in 2024.

Moving into FY 2025, the EEOC's budget includes a $33.221 million increase from 2024, and prioritizes five key areas, including advancing racial justice and combatting systemic discrimination on all protected bases, particularly with respect to vulnerable workers; advancing pay equity; addressing the use of artificial intelligence in employment decisions; providing information to assist employers that chose to undertake lawful approaches to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in their workplaces; and preventing unlawful retaliation and harassment.

The EEOC also maintained its FY 2024 goals for its own Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) program where it seeks to achieve four goals, including workplace diversity, employee equity, inclusive practices, and accessibility. Additionally, the EEOC continues to emphasize and build upon its FY 2021 software initiatives addressing artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other emerging technologies in continued efforts to provide guidance. The EEOC notably recognized that AI systems may offer new opportunities for employers but cautioned AI's potential to facilitate discrimination. Finally, the joint anti-retaliation initiative among the EEOC, the DOL, and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) will continue to address retaliation in American workplaces.

But then came the election results of November of this past year.

Employers can expect that the EEOC will be in flux through 2025. The Trump Administration is apt to move to replace policymakers, decrease the Commission's budget, and deemphasize government enforcement litigation.

In sum, it is expected the Trump Administration will pivot the focus of the EEOC to a more business-friendly posture. Budget cuts instead of increases may be the order of the day.

Department Of Labor Enforcement Year-End Recoveries



The U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division recovered approximately $202.6 million in back wages in FY 2024 and conducted 17,300 compliance actions. By comparison, the DOL secured $212.3 million in back wages in FY 2023 and concluded 20,215 compliance actions. These numbers align with the numbers we saw in FY 2022, in which the WHD recovered $213.2 million in back wages and concluded 20,422 compliance actions. The number of compliance actions, and the subsequent back wages recoveries in FY 2022-23 was measurably lower than in FY 2021 and FY 2020. In FY 2021, the WHD concluded 24,746 compliance actions and recovered $232.4 million in back wages and in 2020 it concluded 26,096 compliance actions and recovered $257.8 million in back wages.

The agency imposed civil money penalties to employers at a 10-year-high of $25.8 million for violations of federal labor laws in FY 2023. This was the highest number in a decade and was significantly higher than the penalties assessed in 2022 ($21.6 million), 2021 ($20.4 million), and 2020 ($17.9 million).

In FY 2024, civil money penalties exploded to $35.92 million (as specified at Civil Money Penalties Assessed) for violations of federal labor laws. Although FY 2023 was an outlier yielding the highest number for penalties assessed in a decade, FY 2024 exceed the penalties assessed by nearly an additional $10 million. This stark rise in assessed penalties for violations of federal labor laws can partially be attributed to the DOL's Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Annual Adjustment for 2024 final rule that was published in January 11, 2024. FY 2024 and FY 2023 civil money penalties contrast with previous penalty assessments previously seen in 2022 ($21.6 million), 2021 ($20.4 million), and 2020 ($17.9 million).

Disclaimer: This Alert has been prepared and published for informational purposes only and is not offered, nor should be construed, as legal advice. For more information, please see the firm's full disclaimer.

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