September 2019 – Kinstellar's regular look at the Uzbek market.
New Law on Tourism
On 18 July 2019, the President of Uzbekistan signed a new Law on Tourism. The previous law dates from 1999 and has 22 articles. The new Law contains 45 articles.
According to the Law, the State Committee for Tourism Development is an authorized state body in the field of tourism ("Committee").
The Law defines the main directions of state policy in the field of tourism. Among them there are the creation of conditions for investment in the tourism industry and for the promotion of domestic tourism, development of public-private partnerships, establishment of tax and customs benefits, support and encouragement of the introduction of innovations and information and communication technologies, and promotion of the development of tourist zones and tourist clusters.
Tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as other types of travel arrangements, are considered tourism activities. The right to carry out tourism activities is granted to tour operators, travel agencies, excursion organizations on the basis of a license. A license is issued for an indefinite term. Individuals who are self-employed entrepreneurs providing excursion services are not required to obtain a license to carry out tourist activities.
In order to provide information about the objects of the tourism industry and to promote them, tourist information centers will be created.
Guides can provide services independently without the formation of a legal entity after receiving the appropriate certificate issued by the Committee.
This Law shall enter into force on 20 October 2019.
Law "On Tourism" No. ZRU-549 of 18 July 2019.
Creation of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency
In accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 621, an Agency for Attracting Foreign Investment under the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade has been created.
The main tasks of the new body are to participate in the implementation of the state investment policy to attract foreign investors and create favorable conditions for the work of foreign businessmen who want to invest in Uzbekistan.
The Agency will be headed by a director who can be appointed and dismissed only by the Government on the proposal of the Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade. The effectiveness of the Agency will be subject to regular evaluation.
Regulation "On the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency", Annex No. 1 to the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 621 of 24 July 2019.
Regulation on the Intellectual Property Agency
In accordance with the Presidential Resolution No. PP-4168, the Intellectual Property Agency was transferred to the system of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the recognition of its unsatisfactory activity in the legal protection of intellectual property and implementation of generally recognized international standards.
Under the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 609, the coordination, control and general management of the Agency's activities, the strengthening of the material and technical base and the organization of advanced training for Agency employees are to be carried out by the Ministry of Justice.
The main objective of the Agency is to ensure the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of intellectual property, providing legal protection for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks and other intellectual property.
The Agency is headed by a Deputy Minister of Justice, who is the Director of the Agency, appointed and dismissed by the President.
(a) For scientific analysis of problems, consideration and development of recommendations on the most important issues of legal protection of intellectual property, the Agency forms a scientific and technical council consisting of highly qualified employees, leading scientists and specialists in the field of intellectual property.
Presidential Resolution "On measures to improve public administration in the field of intellectual property" No. PP-4168 of 8 February 2019.
Regulation "On the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan", Annex No. 1 to the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 609 of 20 July 2019.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.