KBZ Żuradzka & Wspólnicy Adwokaci i Radcy Prawni Sp. K. has been active since 1991. Until 1999, the legal name of the firm was Biuro Obsługi Prawnej „IUS” S.C. It was a partnership of two legal professional (legal counsel and an advocate). It was later converted into a limited partnership (B. Żuradzka Kancelaria Prawna Sp.K.). Since July 2011, the firm has been operating under its present name. The firm’s founder and mentor is Barbara Żuradzka, a lawyer and a winner of the Golden Skills and Competence Laurel Award from the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice, Poland.
Since 2004, we have been a Polish member of the international Association of Independent European Lawyers (www.aiel.com). This London-based organisation was founded in 1991 and currently has a membership of 30 law firms based in Europe and worldwide, all of them employing a few hundred lawyers in total. This allows us to offer a competitively-priced and efficiently-delivered array of legal services, such as company
Balenciaga filed an application to invalidate the design of
furry sandals registered by Birkenstock, referring...
Big affair in the fashion world...
Balenciaga wins clash with Birkenstock !
What was this dispute about?
Balenciaga filed an application to invalidate the design of
furry sandals registered by Birkenstock, referring in its argument
to the lack of individual character and the existence of similar
sandals offered on Amazon's French marketplace site since
The Office found that the designer's freedom is wide in this
regard, and that the designs under comparison are so highly similar
to each other that this would certainly be noticed by the average
consumer, and that the challenged Birkenstock design therefore
lacks individual character.
Consequently, a European trademark appeals board invalidated the
challenged design in the form of furry sandals.
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Originally published 20 September 2024
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.