United Trademark and Patent Services was founded in 1949 and has worked its way up to attain the position as one of the leading firms specializing in Intellectual Property Law in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa, where we maintain our own offices. The Firm specializes in Intellectual Property filings, prosecution and litigation, licensing, distributorship agreements, franchising, transfer of technology, anti-counterfeiting and litigation. We take pride in having more than 200 of the Fortune 500 companies on our firm’s portfolio.
Pakistan has officially joined the Madrid System which enables trademark owners to file a single application and pay one set of fees to apply for protection in up to 124 countries.
Pakistan has officially joined the Madrid System which enables
trademark owners to file a single application and pay one set of
fees to apply for protection in up to 124 countries. Through the
same system, applicants modify, renew or expand a global trademark
portfolio through one centralized system.
Pakistan will be the 108th member of the Madrid System.
Accordingly, the agreement will enter into force on May 24,
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.