Through ADG Insights, we share with you the top legal and political issues affecting the aerospace, defense, and government services (ADG) industry. Our ADG industry team monitors the latest developments to help our clients stay in front of issues before they become problems and seize opportunities in a timely manner.
Manufacturers in the ADG industry sector operate within a complex web of suppliers and subcontractors that provide raw materials, parts, and assembly services. Because of the extensive interconnectivity in this industry sector, disruptions in one part of an ADG supply chain can have a vast ripple effect. A significant uptick in global tariffs and the possibility of a "hard Brexit" pose significant supply-chain management challenges to ADG companies. In this issue, we will discuss coping with increased tariffs and trade-related False Claims Act (FCA) claims and examine what this means for the ADG industry.
Read More: ADG Insights: Managing the ADG supply chain in the age of protectionism
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.