17 May 2021

Georgia Launches New Revenue Service For Individuals In The Midst Of Tourism Sector Outburst



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The tourism sector, which employs about 150,000 people, has been hit tremendously by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Georgia Tax

The tourism sector, which employs about 150,000 people, has been hit tremendously by the COVID-19 pandemic. For more than 6,000 companies linked to tourism, property tax and income tax payments were deferred for 4 months until November 1st. In addition, 2,200 hotels, with a capacity of up to 50 rooms, received subsidies of 80% of a bank loan for 6 months. The companies will also have the opportunity to restructure their loans.

However, tourism workers and experts claim that the government assistance is insufficient and cannot compensate for the real damage caused to the industry and the people employed in it. While the hotel industry was still able to find an alternative income by transforming itself into COVID hotels, tour operators, guides and other tourism workers lost everything.

Registration as an individual taxpayer is already available via video call.

Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance offers a new, innovative service to taxpayers who wish to register as individual taxpayers, citizens of Georgia (except for individual entrepreneurs).

For activation via video call, in addition to the registration of the taxpayer at the official website -, the Revenue Service also ensures activation of the individual electronic services page - 

The following services are available through video call:

  • Activation of the authorized user page.
  • User password recovery.
  • Change of the phone number specified on the authorized user page.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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