12 March 2020

Schrems II Case: EU To U.S. Transfers Of Personal Data Challenged

ELVINGER HOSS PRUSSEN, société anonyme


Independent in structure and spirit, Elvinger Hoss Prussen guides clients on their most critical Luxembourg legal matters. Committed to excellence and creativity in legal practice, our firm delivers the best possible advice for businesses, institutions and entrepreneurs, playing a unique role in the development of Luxembourg as a financial centre.
Following Schrems I case (C-362/14 of 6 October 2015), which invalidated the Safe Harbour Privacy Principles, another legal action filed by Max Schrems challenges the EU to U.S. personal data transfers made by Facebook ...
European Union Privacy

Following Schrems I case (C-362/14 of 6 October 2015), which invalidated the Safe Harbour Privacy Principles, another legal action filed by Max Schrems challenges the EU to U.S. personal data transfers made by Facebook on the basis of the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission (the "SCCs"). According to Mr. Schrems, such transfers infringe the EU data protection law as they allow U.S. authorities to access his personal data. On 19 December 2019, the Advocate General observed that the SCCs used by controllers to transfer personal data to processors established in third countries were themselves valid under the EU data protection law.

For more information on the procedure and/or the Opinion of the Advocate General, please have a look at our article here

Elvinger Hoss Prussen will of course inform you of the outcome of the decision of the CJEU

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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