24 January 2025

Vietnam's Specialized IP Court: The Road Ahead

Tilleke & Gibbins


Tilleke & Gibbins is a leading Southeast Asian regional law firm with over 190 lawyers and consultants practicing in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. We provide full-service legal solutions to the top investors and high-growth companies that drive economic expansion in Asia.
A proposal to establish a specialized Intellectual Property Court in Vietnam has been a topic of significant interest among IP practitioners...
Vietnam Intellectual Property

A proposal to establish a specialized Intellectual Property Court in Vietnam has been a topic of significant interest among IP practitioners for the past 20 years. It was thus a major breakthrough when the new Law on the Organization of People's Courts was ratified in 2024, stipulating in Article 4.1(dd) that the Vietnamese court system would include a specialized first-instance IP Court. The new law took effect on January 1, 2025, replacing the Law on the Organization of People's Courts of 2014,

A groundbreaking law

This breakthrough can be viewed from multiple perspectives. First of all, in terms of organization, this is the first time, after numerous considerations, that Vietnam has officially recognized the importance of the IP field and the need to establish a specialized adjudicative body due to the field's unique nature.

The establishment of a specialized first-instance IP Court is expected to lead to fundamental changes in the practice of developing and applying IP law. While the establishment of IP rights such as trademarks, patents, and plant varieties is managed by administrative agencies such as the Intellectual Property Office, the Copyright Office, and the Crop Production Department, which seem unlikely to change their functions and tasks, there could be significant changes in the enforcement of these rights, which has been a persistent issue in Vietnam's IP law system.

Thus far, in practice, the enforcement of IP rights in Vietnam has relied overwhelmingly on administrative measures over civil measures. Civil measures, typically involving court proceedings under which the matter will be submitted to a court for settlement, are not appealing to disputing parties, especially IP rights owners. The absence of a specialized court has led to many IP cases being handled by judges without any knowledge or experience in this specialized field, resulting in confusion, misconceptions about the nature of the cases, and even incorrect judgments as the judges struggle to navigate unfamiliar territory. This has prolonged the case handling process by up to eight years in some cases, if both first-instance and appellate levels are involved. In many cases, by the time a judgment is issued, the protection period has already expired, and the rights owners' expectations for a fair trial process are unmet.

Moreover, without a specialized court, IP cases are handled like ordinary civil or commercial cases, even though they may require swift decisions. For instance, in a hypothetical patent case related to mobile phones (for which Vietnam is a major manufacturing hub), the patent owner/plaintiff might request the court to issue an injunction such as a ban on the production, distribution, or importation of a product line it believes to be infringing. This scenario is entirely plausible, and the economic, legal, and consequential implications of granting or denying such an injunction are significant. Therefore, having a court with professional judges specialized in this field would be much more convenient, allowing them to become familiar with and not overwhelmed by the cases they are assigned to handle, leading to more expedient actions.

The path forward

While the desire is clear, the pace of actual implementation is another matter. In particular, the plan set out in the new Law on the Organization of People's Courts to put a specialized first-instance IP Court, and other specialized courts such as administrative and bankruptcy courts, into operation immediately upon the law's effective date of January 1, 2025, has failed to materialize, or is not currently practicable, due to existing barriers and the need to amend other legal documents before proceeding. For example, provisions on jurisdiction over case types in the Civil Procedure Code in 2015, specifically Articles 26.4 and 30.2, also need corresponding amendments to ensure consistency within the legal system. However, the planning process for passing amendments to the Civil Procedure Code will undoubtedly require considerable preparation time. It is likely that the corresponding amendments to the Civil Procedure Code will not be implemented until 2026. Consequently, the specialized first-instance IP Court may not become operational until 2026 or 2027 at the earliest.

In the meantime, the judiciary should prepare all other necessary conditions, such as personnel, facilities, and organizational structure planning, to avoid any further delays that may again be caused by this process in realizing this idea of a highly anticipated and desirable specialized court.

This article first appeared in Managing Intellectual Property.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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