Akin is a law firm focused on providing extraordinary client service, a rewarding environment for our diverse workforce and exceptional legal representation irrespective of ability to pay. The deep transactional, litigation, regulatory and policy experience we bring to client engagements helps us craft innovative, effective solutions and strategies.
Whatever your business—whether you are an investor looking at new investments, managing existing positions or planning exits, or a corporate concerned with protecting and enhancing your business...
Whatever your business—whether you are an investor looking
at new investments, managing existing positions or planning exits,
or a corporate concerned with protecting and enhancing your
business—the current public health crisis has brought a host
of additional risks and challenges to the UAE.
Read more to access the latest updates on the
Government and Industry Actions across the UAE.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.