2 June 2023

The 7 Quick Steps To Get Your Mining License In Ghana

Acheampong & Associates


Acheampong & Associates has been in the business of providing legal services for the past half-decade. Established in 2015, we have consistently pursued a client-centered strategy prefaced on a clear understanding of their needs. Our specialties are Immigration, Corporate, and Family laws respectively. We have developed a strong niche in the provision of excellent immigration and corporate solutions for individuals and organizations. As a part of our strategy, we have devoted time to educate the public, by way of articles, on legal issues they confront . Our objective is to help our clients make sound legal decisions and navigate their way through the heap of cumbersome legal requirements and processes.
To obtain a mining license in Ghana, the procedures of the Minerals Commission of Ghana will have to be followed. The various kinds of mining licenses in Ghana include the following...
Ghana Energy and Natural Resources

To obtain a mining license in Ghana, the procedures of the Minerals Commission of Ghana will have to be followed. The various kinds of mining licenses in Ghana include the following:


  • Reconnaissance
  • Restricted Reconnaissance
  • Prospecting
  • Restricted Prospecting


  • Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources
  • Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation
  • Minerals Commission
  • Forestry Commission
  • Environmental Protection Authority


  1. You will first have to submit your application to the Minerals Commission.
  2. After the submission of the application, the Minerals Commission will publish particulars of the application in the Gazette (the government's official publication)
  3. The various stakeholders in the mining industry (Forestry Commission, Environmental Protection Agency etc.) will then submit any concerns they have to the Minerals Commission on your application.
  4. If satisfied, the Minerals Commission will recommend your application to the Minister responsible for Natural Resources.
  5. The Minister will decide whether or not your application should be approved.
  6. If your application is approved, you must pay the applicable registration and licensing fees.
  7. After paying the requisite fee, the Minister will issue the license to you.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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