5 October 2017

Round 3.1 CNH-R03-L01/2017

In reference to the tenders called by the National Hydrocarbons Commission ("CNH") regarding the awarding of Exploration and Extraction of Hydrocarbons Contracts ("E&E Contracts).
Mexico Energy and Natural Resources

In reference to the tenders called by the National Hydrocarbons Commission ("CNH") regarding the awarding of Exploration and Extraction of Hydrocarbons Contracts ("E&E Contracts). On September 28, 2017, CNH announced the First Tender of Round Three (CNH-R03-L01/2017), which compels 35 Contractual areas located within the regions known as: (i) Burgos, (ii) Tampico-Misantla-Veracruz, and (iii) Cuencas del Sureste. Resources include: (i) oil, (ii) gas, and (iii) wet gas.

Contractual areas are located in the regions known as: (i) Burgos, (ii) Tampico-Misantla-Veracruz, and (iii) Cuencas del Sureste.

Some of the contractual areas to be bided interact with those awarded in Round 1.1., 1.2., 1.4., 2.1., and 2.4. plus, PEMEX allocations and PEMEX Far, Outs.

Contractual areas for Round 3.1 will have better 2D and 3D coverage.

Prospective resources of Round 3.1 are equal to 70% of the resources in shallow waters included in the Five-Year Term Bid Plan.



Invitation announcement and Bidding Guidelines September 29, 2017
Updated Bidding Guidelines February 26, 2018
Request and payment to Access virtual data room October 16, 2017 to January 16, 2018
Access to virtual data room October 16 2017 to March 26
First clarification stage September 29 2017 to January 11
Second clarification stage September 29 2017 to January 11
Third clarification stage September 29, 2017 to February 20, 2018
Bid registration and payment and prequalification requirement submission September 29, 2017 to January 19, 2018
Prequalification documents reception January 22, 2018 to January 24, 2018
Review of prequalification documents January 25, 2018 to February 23, 2018
Release of prequalified companies February 26, 2018
Authorization requirements to conform Bidders March 06, 2018 to March 08, 2018
Filing of proposals March 27, 2018

Prequalification Specifications:

For Operators:

  • Experience as operator in at least one exploration and/or extraction project in shallow waters during the past five years, or
  • Capital investments in exploration and/or extraction projects in shallow waters of at least one billion USD.
  • To prove experience in matters related to operational management systems, industrial and operative safety and environmental protection in installations or exploration and/or extraction of hydrocarbons projects in shallow and/or deep waters during the last five years.
  • Capital of at least one billion USD, or
  • Assets with a value of at least 10 billion USD

For Non-Operators:

  • Capital of at least 250 million USD.

For Round 3.1 the model contract to be use will be Production Sharing Contract.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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