5 October 2017


On September 18, 2017, the National Hydrocarbons Commission ("CNH") published, the call for bidding procedure CNH-A5-NOBILIS-MAXIMINO-C4-2017, ...
Mexico Energy and Natural Resources

On September 18, 2017, the National Hydrocarbons Commission ("CNH") published, the call for bidding procedure CNH-A5-NOBILIS-MAXIMINO-C4-2017, which purpose is the selection of partner so the State Owned Productive Company, PEMEX Exploration and Production, may jointly exploit with a partner, the block described below.

Bidding Block:

Name Location Prospective Resources (Million barrels) Property of Resources
Nobilis-Maximino Mexican Gulf 627.0 Light oil


Bidding guidelines for the above referred bidding procedures, as well as their model contracts, are already published in CNH official website.


Final bidding calendar. December 20, 2017
Period to request access to virtual data room. September 18, 2017 - November 03, 2017
Access to virtual data room. September 18, 2017 – January 30, 2018
First clarification stage. September 18, 2017 - October 23, 2017
Second clarification stage. September 18, 2017 – October 23, 2017
Third clarification stage. September 18, 2017 – December 14, 2017
Inscription payment and prequalification appointment. September 18, 2017 – November 03, 2017
Reception of prequalification documents. November 06, 2017 – November 10, 2017
Review of prequalification documents. November 13, 2017 – December 15, 2017
Prequalified companies' publication. December 20, 2017
Period to request CNH authorization to conform bidders. January 11, 2018 – January 12, 2018
Filing of proposals. January 31, 2018

Bidding Guidelines Specifications / Model Contract:

  • To participate, an information license use will be required for an amount equal or greater to
  • $3,700,000.00 (three million seven hundred thousand pesos).
  • Experience as operator in at least 1 project for ultra-deep waters with depths of at least 1,500 meters during the last 10 years must be proved.
  • Production in deep waters or ultra-deep waters with an annual average greater or equal to 50,000 barrels of crude equivalent oil between 2012 – 2016 must also be proven.
  • Experience in industrial safety matters and environmental protection during the past 5 years must be proven, as well as experience in the implementation and operation of management systems, industrial safety and environmental protection in exploration and extraction projects. Sufficient capital: (i) countable capital of at least USD 5,000 billion; (ii) assets with a value of at least USD 25 million and a credit investment degree.
  • Capital investments in exploration and/or extraction projects of at least USD 2,000 billion.
  • For Non-Operators. Countable capital of at least USD 250 million.

Model contract to be implemented is license contract

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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