Ramadan is the ninth month in the Hijri Calendar. It is viewed as the holiest month of the year and annually observing the month of Ramadan is considered as one most important pillar of Islam. Best Lawyers of Dubai, before this holy month of Ramadan, would like to express a few changes during this month in UAE and activities which should be prevented during this month. Following are a few changes which are observed during this month:
- Office working hours
As indicated by Federal Law No. 8 of 1980 with respect to Labor Law of UAE and its subsequent amendments, working hours will be reduced by two hours amid Ramadan. Indeed, even non-Muslims are qualified for decreased working hours amid Ramadan without a compensation cut.
- Fasting Behavior
Reduction in the rest time amid Ramadan somewhat expands the feeling of drowsiness, which can cause can day time tiredness and increase accidents on the road. It is encouraged to get sufficient rest, practice consistently and eat dinners at a fixed time to avoid any casualties during this period.
- Restaurants timings
Restaurants in UAE will adhere to the fasting rules and will close business amid the day and open after the night supplications. Some may offer food, however, covered with partitions. A few eateries and bistros are open amid the day and individuals are allowed to order food to consume in private.
Common Etiquettes for non-Muslims
Non-Muslims don't need to fast in Ramadan. nevertheless, they are restricted from eating, drinking and smoking out in the open amid the fasting hours, and this also includes chewing a piece of gum out in public. Non-Muslims are allowed to eat and savour the protection of their own home, just as in assigned zones. Failure to adhere to this rule will involve fines or imprisonment.
Amid this month, it is ideal for dressing minimalistically, covering your shoulders and knees. Cease from wearing garments that are sheer, uncovering, or excessively tight, especially when visiting open spaces, for example, a shopping centre, iftar tent, or eatery. Ensure your knees and shoulders are secured; maintain a strategic distance from shorts, short skirts, or scaled down dresses.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.