13 September 2022

#HowTo: Enhance Data Security And Privacy

FTI Consulting


FTI Consulting
Whilst the article below is focused in Ireland, all of the guidance applies globally. Putting proper privacy and security processes in place can be a challenge even during the best of times.
Ireland Privacy

Whilst the article below is focused in Ireland, all of the guidance applies globally. Putting proper privacy and security processes in place can be a challenge even during the best of times. Doing so without the right team of experts or in the midst of an incident can be doubly so.

Prevention strategies and a strong plan for what to do in the event of an incident will enable resilience and reduce the overall business impact of a breach:

  1. Enlist experienced cybersecurity and data privacy professionals to conduct a comprehensive assessment
  2. Designate an internal owner and stakeholder to oversee ongoing security management
  3. Act quickly to lock down affected systems and activate the incident response plan
  4. Conduct a full situation examination
  5. Put systems in place to reinforce and improve prevention

Despite widespread visibility of data breaches and security threats, strong data protection is often treated as an afterthought within many organizations. Businesses continue to create, share, store, use and manage an ever-increasing volume of sensitive digital information, raising the stakes and the surface of potential vulnerabilities.

Originally published 31 August 2022

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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