22 January 2025

OPEN Ears – When The Tectonic Plates Of The IP Worlds Are Moving (Podcast)



Aera is a European IP consultancy firm, build on Nordic values, with an international perspective. The firm strives to provide high-quality services to clients that truly use IP strategically and links these strategies to their business needs. We wish to take good care of innovators!
In this episode of Open Ears, Toni Nijm, serial entrepreneur and CEO of RightHub, discusses with our host, Hanane Roswall, what the future of IP may look like.
Denmark Intellectual Property

In this episode of Open Ears, Toni Nijm, serial entrepreneur and CEO of RightHub, discusses with our host, Hanane Roswall, what the future of IP may look like.

Toni reflects on the movements of the tectonic plates of IP and on how technology, platforms, private equity, etc., have impacts that can change how Intellectual Property Rights are produced, maintained, analyzed, and perceived to contribute to progress.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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