Arendt combines the entire value chain of services dedicated to Asset Managers, Banks, Insurers, Public Institutions and Private Clients operating in Luxembourg.
We assist clients in structuring and running their business from a legal and tax standpoint across Luxembourg. Our teams directly serve international clients or work in close collaboration with foreign partner law firms.
Together with our regulatory consultants and investor services experts, we bridge the gap between legal/tax advice and its implementation. We deliver best-in-class services along our clients’ business life cycles.
The 450 legal experts of Arendt & Medernach have a wealth of experience in a wide variety of specialisations. Together, they are able to advise on a complete range of 15 complementary practice areas
This is the second of a series of two briefing notes published by the Restructuring & Insolvency practice of Arendt on recent or ongoing legislative changes in matters of insolvency law
This is the second of a series of two briefing notes published
by the Restructuring & Insolvency practice of Arendt on recent
or ongoing legislative changes in matters of insolvency law at
Luxembourg and EU levels.
The Restructuring Directive ensures that entrepreneurs and
companies in financial difficulties can seek support at an early
stage in order to keep their business going. Where there is a
likelihood of insolvency, Member States must give debtors the
opportunity to access a preventive and flexible restructuring
framework that enables them to restructure their business in order
to prevent insolvency.
This note aims at summarising the expected changes to Luxembourg
insolvency law resulting from the Draft Bill.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.