25 January 2017

It Is Now Possible To Request Declaration Of Well-Known Status In India

As of this past December, all interested parties may file a request for the Registrar to determine the well-known status of their trademarks in India.
India Intellectual Property

As of this past December, all interested parties may file a request for the Registrar to determine the well-known status of their trademarks in India

Currently, many companies such as Pepsi, Nivea, Honda and Toyota have already filed their requests and obtained said declaration of well-known status.

The request must be submitted together with appropriate information and evidence proving the well-known status claimed by the applicant. In this sense, in the event that the Registrar determines said well-known status, the trademark will be included in the list of well-known trademarks administered by said organization once the submitted evidence has been examined.

The well-known status of a trademark will provide trademark proprietors a stronger position in cases of infringement and misappropriation of their trademark assets and at the same time open up an alternative path for instituting legal actions.

Clarke, Modet & Co - SPAIN

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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