This legal alert highlights the most important legal developments of November 2019 that affect the Uzbek pharmaceutical industry as a whole and activities of foreign pharmaceutical producers and their representative offices in Uzbekistan in particular.
- Starting from July 1, 2020, a pilot project for the labelling of medical products may begin. The project is aimed at facilitating the traceability of labeled products. Local medicines and medical products manufacturers/importers are identified as potential participants of the pilot project. At the beginning, the labeling will be done on a voluntary basis.
- Russian company "CRPT TURON" will be the operator and administrator of the labeling system. All interested entities will be able approach the company electronically.
- In addition to that, a single electronic system for produced and imported goods will be created within the State Tax Committee.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.