Key Points
Mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccination certificates for individuals traveling between Singapore and a member state of the African Union
The government of Singapore and the African Union will establish a framework for mutual recognition of these regions' digital COVID-19 vaccination certificates to facilitate further travel between the regions. The framework will go into effect on 23 May 2022 and will allow fully vaccinated travelers holding a digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate issued by the African Union or the Singaporean government to travel between these jurisdictions. Eligible travelers who can provide digital proof of vaccination will not be required to undergo quarantine or testing upon arrival in Singapore. The same applies to Singaporeans arriving in an African Union member state.
What are the Changes?
The government of Singapore and member states of the African Union have reached an agreement that will streamline travel between the Singapore and member states of the African Union so long as travelers provide proof of a digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate. Travelers entering any of these countries should ensure that they hold the appropriate immigration authorization prior to arrival, where applicable.
Looking Ahead
Continue to check the government of Singapore's website and Envoy's website for the latest updates and information.
Originally published 18 May 2022
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.