Key Points?
- Japan will introduce additional COVID-19 testing measures for travelers entering the country beginning 30 December 2022
The government of Japan announced that all travelers departing from China (except Hong Kong and Macau) or who have traveled through the country in the last seven days will be required to undergo an on-arrival COVID-19 test effective 30 December 2022.
In addition, travelers arriving or who have traveled through China in the last seven days who cannot provide proof of vaccination will be required to undergo pre-departure COVID-19 testing.
All travelers are advised to pre-register all information required under the country's quarantine procedures.?
What are the Changes?
The government of Japan introduced additional testing measures for travelers departing from China or travelers who have been in China within the last seven days. According to the government, these measures are being taken to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 variants.?
Looking Ahead
Continue to check the government of Japan's website and Envoy's website for the latest updates and information.
Originally published 28 December 2022
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.