Key Points
- Zambia decentralized the printing of long-term permits to three regional immigration offices effective 25 November 2022
The government of Zambia announced that it will decentralize the printing of long-term permits to three regional immigration offices. These offices are in Ndola, Livingstone and Solweni. As a result of this change, these offices will manage the printing of employment, investor, spouse and residence permits in the country.
What are the Changes?
The government of Zambia decentralized the printing of long-term permits. According to the government announcement, this decision aims to make the printing of long-term permits more convenient and cost-effective.
Looking Ahead
In the coming year, the government plans to further roll out printing measures to all regional immigration offices in the country. Continue to check the government of Zambia's website and Envoy's website for the latest updates and information.
Originally published 12 December 2022
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.