21 October 2022

New Salary Requirements For Select Regions

Envoy Global, Inc.


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Founded in 1998, Envoy is a global immigration services provider offering the only immigration management platform that makes it seamless for companies to hire and manage an international workforce. We combine expert legal representation and proprietary technology to bring efficiency and transparency to the immigration process for employers and employees.
Minimum salary requirements will increase in the Brussels and Walloon regions at the start of 2023 
Belgium Immigration

Key Points 

  • Minimum salary requirements will increase in the Brussels and Walloon regions at the start of 2023 


The government of Belgium will increase the country's minimum salary thresholds on 1 January 2023. The following minimum wages will apply based on the region of the country:

Brussels and Walloon Region

  • High-skilled workers: € 47,175
  • Executives with EU ICT Permits: € 78,704
  • Managers with EU ICT Permits: € 60,999
  • Specialists with EU ICT Permits: € 48,798
  • Trainees with EU ICT Permits: € 30,499
  • EU Blue Card holders: € 60,998

What are the Changes? 

The officials in the Brussels and Walloon regions will increase minimum salary thresholds in January 2023. Employers of foreign nationals who are seeking new or renewed work authorization on 1 January 2023 or later must ensure their employees' salaries comply with the new minimum wage requirements.  

Looking Ahead 

Authorities in the Flanders region are expected to publish 2023 minimum salary threshold information in the coming weeks. Continue to check the government of Belgium's website and Envoy's website for the latest updates and information. 

Originally published13 October 2022

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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