On October 6, Costa Rican immigration authorities closed photo DIMEX appointments for new and renewal applications for the rest of 2022, effective immediately.
Those who already have a first-time appointment scheduled before September 30 and October, November, and December should report to the Main and Regional Immigration offices at Banco de Costa Rica or at Correos at the originally scheduled date and time of their appointment.
As a result of these recent changes, we request that applicants contact Costa Rican immigration authorities who are scheduled for the upcoming months of October, November, and December, whose appointments were mistakenly canceled to reinstitute or reschedule their appointment as soon as possible. Appointments should be scheduled on the same date as the original appointment or on a date suitable to the applicant, as long as it does not go beyond December 2022.
Please be reminded that new, first-time appointments for the months of October, November, and December this year should be scheduled starting January 2, 2023.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.