3 June 2016

The Offshore Funds Blog: First Year In Review

Whilst you may think that this is more than enough excitement for a bunch of bloggers, we also decided to pop over to Las Vegas earlier this month to take part in a variety of funds industry driven events.
British Virgin Islands Finance and Banking

The international press has picked up on many stories during the last twelve months; we've seen a bailout of Greece, an American Flag raised in Cuba, Leicester winning the Premier League in England and Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian battling to be the first one to break the internet.

Well we here at the Offshore Funds Blog very much hope they don't succeed. As our loyal followers will know, we've been in existence since May 2015 and to help celebrate our first year, our clever people behind the scenes have pulled together a list of the top five most-read blog posts just in case you missed them first time around.

  1. Why offshore? A lesson from David (and Ian) Cameron
  2. Launching your first offshore fund: Cayman or BVI?
  3. Don't forget to look up: lending to funds – an introduction to subscription finance
  4. What structure should I use for my offshore fund?
  5. BVI launches approved and incubator funds

Whilst you may think that this is more than enough excitement for a bunch of bloggers, we also decided to pop over to Las Vegas earlier this month to take part in a variety of funds industry driven events. We will be blogging our thoughts on that shortly, the delay resulting from us trying to find some photographs we can actually use*.

One of our aims for the blog was to try and feature market commentary, including industry insight from people in the funds world who we have had the pleasure of working with through the years. Many thanks indeed to those who have already contributed and we're very excited on this front about what we have to come over the next few months. If you are reading this and decide there is an aspect you would personally like to cover, please do let us know, we are truly all ears (some bloggers more than others).

We are also hopeful of hosting some videos during 2016, as well as printable guides to a number of the intricate areas of this industry. If there is anything else you would like us to pull together, please do get in touch and we'll see what we can do.

Before I forget, if you haven't already done so, please do subscribe for regular updates direct to your inbox. We are planning to introduce some form of rewards to our subscribers over the next year or so, including the possibility of a personal visit from the great Lewis Chong, who we discovered in Vegas has the ability with a microphone to sound like all four Beatles simultaneously. Truly mind-blowing.

Finally and most importantly, it has been an absolute pleasure to be part of this fantastic blog team over the last year and thanks from me to everyone that has played a fundamental part in getting our voice out there. We have been contacted by readers from over 40 different countries now and that absolutely drives us to continue to try and make it as relevant for as many people who are interested as possible.

* If anyone out there knows the secret to photshopping fifteen foot inflatable frogs, please do get in contact…

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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