The Law on Food Safety ("Law") setting out the legal framework and mechanisms to regulate safety, quality and sanitation relating to food production and food businesses has come into force.
Food business operators are subject to primary obligations such as (i) obtaining a permit from competent authorities; (ii) ensuring the foods are in compliance with legal requirements; (iii) resolving any food safety-related issues and reporting to authorities in charges immediately; and (iv) cooperating with relevant authorities to implement food safety measures.
All importation and exportation of foods must be in line with the legal requirements set forth in related local laws and regulations and other legal instruments of destination countries (for export products). Failure to comply with the Law will subject the errant business operators to administrative penalties and/or criminal penalties.
For more information, click here to read our Legal Update.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.