Issue no. 21 of the banking & fintech newsletter is now available.
Click here to read the newsletter.
In this issue:
- MFSA issues helpful blueprint for Source of Wealth and Source of Funds declarations
- EBA echoes the EU Commission's call for a more efficient framework in AML and CFT
- VFA Agents get Reporting Obligations
- MFSA Circular on upcoming EU initiatives
- ESMA publishes national thresholds for shareholder identification under Revised Shareholders Directive
- EBA updates work programme following effects of COVID-19
- MFSA issues circular to credit institutions and foreign branches on Supervisory Reporting data
- ECB publishes consolidated banking data for end-date March 2020
- ECB extends liquidity line by six months
- ECB's Governing Council publishes monetary policy decisions
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.