As the COVID-19 situation improves, focus shifts towards regenerating the economy. Support incentive schemes, accelerating investment in businesses and the development of strategies to grow sustainability, will be key for Malta and Gozo moving forward.
‘Regenerating the Economy' will be the theme of an upcoming business webinar, hosted by the Gozo Business Chamber and Bank of Valletta, in collaboration with Malta Enterprise and the Ministry for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development. The webinar, to be held on the 21st May at 10:00hrs, is also supported by the Ministry for Gozo NGO Assistance Scheme, a funding programme for Voluntary Organisations on the Island of Gozo.
“Businesses have suffered major losses throughout the past year,” stated Joseph Borg, President of the Gozo Business Chamber. “This webinar will serve as an opportunity for businesses to understand better the new Malta Enterprise schemes as recently announced by the Government and how they can benefit from them to kick-start their investment cycle.”
Participants will gain insights on the set of new measures and initiatives to regenerate the Maltese economy, with a special focus on the rent and electricity scheme, the one-time grant for businesses, Change To Grow 2021, Restart Incentive scheme 2021, Smart and Sustainable Investment Scheme 2021, the Micro-Invest Tax Credit Extension and green financing.
“Green investments is being positioned as one of the drivers towards the road to recovery, having successfully bid for the EU's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy financing instrument, Bank of Valletta is providing easier access to finance for green investments in line with European Green deal,” said Mark Scicluna Bartoli, Executive Product Management and Development at Bank of Valletta. “Through the facilitation of financing schemes and the successful implementation of various risk-sharing instruments, we are equipping local businesses to move forward.”
Speakers include Hon. Miriam Dalli, Minister responsible for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development, Joseph Borg, President of the Gozo Business Chamber, Mark Scicluna Bartoli, Executive at Bank of Valletta, and Kurt Farrugia, Chief Executive Officer at the Malta Enterprise.
Now is the time to re-think the road ahead for your business. To join this free webinar, click here and complete your registration.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.