19 October 2022

Financial Inclusion Through Fintech (Video)

Orison Legal


Fintech is revolutionising the way people transact and this is nowhere more apparent than in Africa. Mauritius provides a robust platform for fintech entrepreneurs to set up shop...
Mauritius Technology

Fintech is revolutionising the way people transact and this is nowhere more apparent than in Africa. Mauritius provides a robust platform for fintech entrepreneurs to set up shop in or from Mauritius and to discuss this, Janesh Chuttoo hosted Mark Van Beuningen (Group CEO Cim Finance), Munya Island (founder of LakeStream) and Rajeev Babooram (lead professional at Economic Development Board Mauritius) to delve into the challenges and opportunities of fintech as a tool for financial inclusion.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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