3 June 2019

Update On Thai Labor Law Protection Act

Frank Legal & Tax


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A new amendment for the Labor Law Protection has been announced in the Government Gazette on 5 April 2562 and the Act will come into force 30 days after its publication in the Gazette.
Thailand Employment and HR

A new amendment for the Labor Law Protection has been announced in the Government Gazette on 5 April 2562 and the Act will come into force 30 days after its publication in the Gazette.

The amendments introduce additional rights for employees, such as:

  • Increase of statutory severance pay for an employee who has worked for at least 20 years;
  • Employees are now entitled to personal leave of at least 3 days/year and will be paid during the leaving date;
  • Maternity leave increase from 90 days to 98 days and split the leave period to 2 periods:

    1. Prenatal period before the delivery date and;
    2. Maternity leave period.
  • Employers must pay up to 45 days during maternity leave;
  • Employers must pay wages, overtime payments, payments for working on holidays, and payments for working overtime on holidays, at the same rate for both male and female employees;
  • If it's necessary for the employer to suspend the business, partially or as a whole, for any reason, the employer must pay the employee at least 75 percent of his or her usual daily wages throughout the suspension period.

The above changes will certainly be welcomed by Thai employees.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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