Effective January 1, 2025, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has revised the salary criteria for Employment Pass holders. The new criteria will require a minimum salary of at least SGD 5,600 for EP applications (up from SGD 5,000), and at least SGD 6,200 for EP applicants in the financial services sector (up from SGD 5,500). This criteria will be applicable for renewals from January 1, 2026.
Companies should be aware of the new salary criteria for new and renewal applications in the coming future.
Romania – Extensive changes regarding the stay and employment of foreigners in Romania come into force on Friday, 8 March 2024
Law no. 28/2024 amending and supplementing certain pieces of legislation regarding foreigners appeared today in the Official Journal and aims to amend, mainly, the two relevant ordinances regarding foreigners' right of residence and work in Romania, i.e. GEO no. 194/2002 and GO no. 25/2014.
The provisions of the law will come into force on Friday, except for new sanctions, which will take effect in 30 days.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.