Yesterday (21 December 2022), the Parliament approved the draft bill on the neutralization of article 1.7 of Book 1 of the Civil Code as regards labour law and social security and social assistance.
This means that Saturday remains a working day for labour and social security law.
This action by the legislator was advised by the National Labour Council and is of great importance, because following the new definition of "working day" in the Civil Code, Saturday would no longer be considered as a working day from 1 January 2023. This would have had considerable impact in, amongst others, dismissal files (serving notice, dismissal for serious cause, ...).
Only the publication of the law in the Belgian Official Gazette remains to be awaited, but this probably won't take much time.
Conclusion: Due to this new rule, everything will remain as it was, so there is no action required from HR.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.