31 March 2017

Japan Corporate Quarterly Update - September 2016

Herbert Smith Freehills


Herbert Smith Freehills
Welcome to the latest edition of our Japan Corporate Quarterly Update – our round up of recent corporate updates from our global network.
Japan Corporate/Commercial Law

Welcome to the latest edition of our Japan Corporate Quarterly Update – our round up of recent corporate updates from our global network. We have picked out 10 newsletters and 3 webinars (available in English only) that are most relevant to our Japanese clients.

Please click on one of the links below to read one of the highlighted articles or to listen to one of the webinars.

Each week Herbert Smith Freehills releases a number of free newsletters, legal updates and webinars. Please click here to subscribe to our other publications or to receive our webinar invitations.

Please contact us if you would like any further information about any of these updates.


  1. Indonesia Update: Regulatory Developments in Distribution and Certain Logistics Related Sectors in Indonesia.
  1. Electronic signatures: New rules in the UK on when and how they can be used.
  1. Indonesian mining sector: A new draft mining law has been introduced.
  1. European private equity: Review highlights increased growth in key areas.
  1. Market abuse regime: New market abuse regulation comes into force in the EU.
  1. Competition law: Spotlight on online sales intensifies as the CMA warns of the risks of resales price maintenance.
  1. The FIRB Ausgrid decision: Will foreign investment into Australia become gridlocked?
  1. Iran: Key developments in the political and legal sectors.

If you would like to receive regular Iran Client Alerts, please contact us.

  1. Takeover law reform in Australia: New ideas put forward for reform.
  1. Chinese food safety law: New rules introduced with regard to online food safety.


  1. Brexit: what happens next ­ An APAC perspective.
  1. The Market Abuse Regulation in practice: an update for listed companies.
  1. UK Corporate Governance Update

Brexit Hub: For more know­how and information on the legal implications of Brexit, please click here.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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