The most important specifications of the law that came into force on October 3rd, amending and completing the Labour Code, are the following:
- Any Romanian who is interested in being employed, can be assisted at the time of negotiating or signing his/her employment contract, by a person specializing in labour matters. This also applies to cases where contractual clauses may be modified. Accordingly, the employee may even be accompanied, by a representative of the union of which the employee is a member of.
- The parties may conclude a confidentiality agreement at any time during the performance of the employment contract, not only before concluding it, as provided by the Labor Code so far.
- With the introduction of a new article in the Labor Code, each employer will be able to organize its own human resources and payroll. This can be put into effect by the employer undertaking specific responsibilities, by appointing one or more employees (must be written in the job description attribution of HR and payroll) or by contracting external services specialized in HR and payroll (services to be coordinated by an expert in labour legislation).
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.