20 November 2020

Terminating An Employment Contract In Japan: An Overview Of The New Rules

Ius Laboris


Ius Laboris is consistently recognised as the leading legal service provider in employment, immigration and pensions law. Our firms help international employers navigate the world of work successfully.
The new Japanese Civil Code makes changes to the rules on termination of employment contracts and notice periods. This article provides details.
Japan Employment and HR

The new Japanese Civil Code makes changes to the rules on termination of employment contracts and notice periods. This article provides details.

Click here to read the full report on changes to the rules on termination of employment contracts and notice periods under the new Japanese Civil Code, in particular the reduction of employees' notice period to two weeks for indefinite contracts.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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