The strategy was developed in accordance with Presidential Decree No.5963 of March 13, 2020.
The main goal of the strategy is the transformation of the construction industry, aimed at the formation of modern management methods, increasing investment attractiveness in the implementation of projects and the introduction of innovative solutions.
The main directions in the field of modernization, accelerated and innovative development of the construction industry are defined as:
- urban development of territories and ensuring effective public participation in this process;
- improving the quality and safety of urban development activities;
- ensuring the efficiency, rationality and transparency of administrative procedures in the field of urban development, as well as improving the efficiency of organizations in the construction industry;
- digitalisation of urban development activities, introduction of modern information and communication technologies in the industry;
- improvement of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, development of scientific potential in the field of urban planning.
The Decree also approved the strategy of modernisation, fast and innovative development of construction industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the years 2021-2025 and road map for implementation in the years 2021-2025 modernization Strategy, fast and innovative development of the construction industry:
- improving the position of Uzbekistan in the International Doing Business Index in the direction of "obtaining construction permits" (Dealing with Construction Permits) from the current 61.7 points to 78.2 points by the end of 2025;
- achieving by 2025 the harmonisation of national urban planning norms and regulations with international standards and standards at the level of at least 50%, taking into account the geological, climatic, seismological and other features of the Republic;
- ensuring the creation of an additional four electronic platforms within the framework of the "Transparent construction" system by 2025, as well as their integration with interdepartmental information systems and databases;
- achievement by 2025 of the share of implementation of the "volume" method of development of design and estimate documentation up to 50% of the total number of construction projects in the Republic;
- by 2025, one of the universities in the field of architecture and construction will be included in the list of the best higher educational institutions in Asia (TOP1000) in the ratings of internationally recognised organizations.
From January 1, an important procedure for public control over construction is introduced. General plans of settlements are approved taking into account the results of public discussion. At the same time, public discussion of the general plans of settlements is carried out in four stages (familiarization, discussion, analysis, implementation).
It also introduces the possibility of carrying out public expertise of the general plans of settlements for compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities and individuals, the interests of society and the state. This opportunity will significantly affect the entry of foreign investors into the territory of Uzbekistan.
Most of the changes and innovations in the construction sector are aimed at legally protecting the interests of both individuals and legal entities, which in turn will affect the quality of work performed.
Several changes are aimed at reducing or completely banning construction or renovation by non-professional workers.
So, since 2021, a number of regulatory legal acts come into force.
- As we wrote earlier ( 26 types of licenses and permits are being abolished, which will significantly increase the level of business attractiveness.
- new tax rates for tobacco and alcohol products are also being introduced.
- changed rates for petroleum products and other excisable goods and services, as well as tax rates in fixed amounts.
- for persons engaged in real estate activities, the turnover tax rate is reduced from 25 to 13%.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.