Individuals born in territories belonging to former Portuguese colonies in Africa, prior to the respective independence dates who were descendants up to the third degree of Portuguese citizens, can formulate a request for transcription of their birth to the Portuguese Civil Registries:
- born in mainland Portugal or adjacent islands;
- born abroad to a father or mother born in Portugal or in the adjacent islands
- naturalized
- nationalized.
Decreto-Lei no. 308-A / 75 of 24 June was the legal instrument by which the conservation of Portuguese nationality was established for the descendants of the citizens belonging to at least one of the groups listed above, which were granted, however, the power to declare that they do not want to be Portuguese, provided that they do so within two years from the date of their independence.
Such diploma, although revoked, attributed Portuguese nationality to such individuals, without having been subsequently withdrawn from them; contrary to the situation in which other individuals born in these same States became, who are no longer Portuguese nationals (Cf. Art. 4 of DL 308-A / 75 of 24 June).
Thus, those who have been granted nationality through conservation are in a similar condition to the children of Portuguese people born abroad, insofar as they are given original nationality, with effect from the date of their birth. , as long as the request for a transcript of your birth is presented and granted at the Portuguese Civil Registry Office, so that you can be recognized as a Portuguese national and the rights inherent to it.
The request for transcription of birth can be made even after the death of the individuals concerned, and their descendants (although born after the date of independence and not being covered by the diploma in question) can benefit from the attribution of their original nationality, for being children of Portuguese citizens.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.