Key Points
- The Estonian government has provided new post-Brexit guidance for UK nationals
- UK nationals who were Estonian residents before December 31, 2020 can prove their existing residency rights with an ID card
- UK nationals with an Article 50 permit and their family members can accrue time towards permanent residency
- Individuals seeking Estonian residency can register their residency as UK nationals through March 31, 2021
- Application fees apply for residence permits
- Posted and cross-border workers can continue working without residency through March 31, 2021
- Cross-border workers and posted workers may need work authorization starting April 1, 2021
The Estonian government has provided updates for UK nationals in Estonia following the Brexit transition.
What are the Changes?
UK nationals who are seeking Estonian residency can register their residency as EU nationals through March 31, 2021. UK nationals who were residents of Estonia before December 31, 2020 can prove their existing residency rights with an ID card. UK nationals who have an Article 50 permit and their family members with corresponding permits can continue accruing time towards permanent residency.
What Should Employers and Applicants Know?
A fee of EUR 35 applies for Article 50 residence card applications. The fee increases to EUR 64 for expedited processing. An additional fee of EUR 20 applies for collection at a consular post.
Posted and cross-border workers who are not seeking residency in Estonia can continue their work activities through March 31, 2021. However, they may require work authorization starting on April 1, 2021.
Originally published 8 February 2021
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.