11 June 2020

How The Cayman Islands Courts Can Assist Parties In Foreign Proceedings

Cayman Islands entities feature heavily in cross-border investment and debt structures and are very often involved in foreign litigation or arbitrations, either as defendants or as third parties...
Cayman Islands Finance and Banking

Wednesday 01 July 2020

Cayman Islands entities feature heavily in cross-border investment and debt structures and are very often involved in foreign litigation or arbitrations, either as defendants or as third parties who may hold information or assets relevant to the foreign proceedings. This guide considers how the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands can assist foreign parties at all stages of foreign proceedings.

The Caymans Islands' financial services industry is supported by world class professionals, and a sophisticated, robust and reliable legal system based on English law. The Financial Services Division of the Grand Court was established to deal with complex, financial services litigation and commercial litigation, much of it with a cross-border element.

Download the guide here.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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