9 March 2017

Cartels: Enforcement, Appeals And Damages Actions 2017

Mamo TCV Advocates


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Mamo TCV Advocates is one of Malta’s top-tier law firms, with significant depth and expertise across a broad range of practice areas. Mamo TCV has assisted clients in complex transactions and has become the preferred correspondent in Malta for some of the leading international legal firms.
Mamo TCV has authored the Malta chapter in Global Legal Insights's Cartels: Enforcement, appeals and damages actions 2017.
Malta Antitrust/Competition Law

Mamo TCV has authored the Malta chapter in Global Legal Insights's Cartels: Enforcement, appeals and damages actions 2017. Cartels 2017 covers topics such as law and enforcement, investigative powers, cartel enforcement activity, decision-making procedures, leniency, settlement of cases, complaints, sanctions, and cross-border issues in 30 jurisdictions. Naturally, Cartels 2017 is not intended to act as a substitute for obtaining legal advice, which should be sought in relation to the relevant jurisdiction in each case.

The chapter about cartel enforcement in Malta can be accessed by clicking here or by downloading the chapter from the pdf below.

Download PDF

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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