COVID-19: Practical Considerations For Your Litigation, From Coast To Coast - May 5, 2020

Stikeman Elliott LLP


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In brief, Canadian Courts have restricted access, suspended or limited their operations, and have consequently suspended prescription or limitation periods, as the case may be.
Canada Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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This post was originally published March 20, 2020 and was last updated on May 5, 2020 to reflect developments at the Supreme Court of British Columbia and the Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench.

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Courts across Canada have weighed the seriousness of the situation and the importance of prioritizing the health and safety of all court participants, with the principles of open courts and timely access to justice. This balancing exercise resulted in the implementation of a wide range of preventative measures that will help minimizing the spread of the COVID-19 virus across Canada, while allowing the Courts to hear urgent or essential matters during the outbreak. In brief, Canadian Courts have restricted access, suspended or limited their operations, and have consequently suspended prescription or limitation periods, as the case may be.

In this unprecedented period of uncertainty, it has become difficult to easily identify the various exceptional measures implemented in each Canadian province. Therefore, as a recognized leading Canadian litigation law firm and your business partner, Stikeman Elliott offers you the following guide which outlines the measures taken.

We understand that the situation is evolving rapidly, and we will post updates on our website as they become available.

  • April 21: The Attorney-General of Canada may now be served via e-mail or fax to the appropriate regional office

Supreme Court of Canada

  • April 29: The Court has announced the list of matters which will be heard in June and September, by videoconference; all other hearings postponed due to COVID-19 will take place in the regular fall session
  • April 24: Starting April 27, the registry will resume taking telephone calls from 12pm to 5pm, but the Court encourages parties to continue correspondence by e-mail when possible
  • March 25: Deadlines that are imposed by the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada or by an order of the Court, a judge, or the Registrar are suspended indefinitely
    • However, all other deadlines are unaffected, including deadlines for filing applications for leave to appeal and notices of appeal
    • The hearings scheduled for March, April, and May 2020 are rescheduled, tentatively, to the month of June 2020
    • Parties are encouraged to file and serve documents by e-mail, with originals to be filed once regular court operations resume
    • The Court building remains open for case-related matters
  • March 16: The hearings scheduled for March 24, 25 and 26, 2020, are rescheduled, tentatively, to the month of June 2020
    • All other currently scheduled hearings remain on the agenda until further notice
    • The Court will continue to issue judgments on applications for leave and on appeal for the time being  

Federal Courts

  • April 29: The suspension period set out in the Notice to the Parties and the Profession dated March 19, 2020 is extended until May 29, 2020, and all matters scheduled to be heard during the extended suspension period are adjourned indefinitely; however, urgent or exceptional matters, case management hearings, and other matters upon direction of the Court or request by the parties may proceed by teleconference, videoconference, or in writing
    • All fees under item 1 of Tariff A of the Federal Courts Rules are waived for paper or electronic documents filed during the suspension period
    • Suspension until May 29, 2020, and retroactive to March 16, 2020, of all deadlines under Orders and Directions of the Court of first instance and appeal (unless they are explicitly set on a "peremptory" basis), as well as under the Federal Courts Rules, subsection 18.1(2) of the Federal Courts Act, and paragraph 72(2)(c) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, but all other filing deadlines continue to apply
    • At the end of the suspension period, all deadlines will be extended by 14 days
    • However, applications and appeals filed at the Federal Court of Appeal under sections 27 and 28 of the Federal Courts Act are governed by mandatory deadlines and are therefore excluded from the suspension; parties are required to file appeals and applications within the relevant deadlines

Court of Appeal

  • April 15: The Court is gradually resuming hearings of some matters which are ready to proceed on the merits
    • Matters will be heard on the basis of written materials, by teleconference or videoconference, or eventually in person
  • April 2: Parties whose appeal or judicial review application was ready to be heard on March 13, 2020 may on consent ask to have the matter heard remotely or in writing
    • In-person filings will only be accepted via secure drop boxes, but parties are encouraged to file electronically by e-mail
  • March 19: Proof of service of any document served during the suspension period may be filed after this period ends

Federal Court

  • April 29: The Court will not hold in-person hearings until June 29, 2020
  • April 4: Parties must file non-confidential documents using the Court's online portal; urgent documents that cannot be filed using the portal may be filed by e-mail
    • Parties wishing to file confidential documents should contact the Court registry office for instructions
    • Parties may request to have their matter heard in writing or by teleconference
    • Documents may be served electronically, and parties who have provided an e-mail address on a document filed in Court shall be deemed to have consented to electronic service
    • Affidavits may be commissioned remotely during the suspension period


  • April 1: The payment of judicial fees in urgent matters is suspended for parties who cannot pay remotely, and courts now enjoy concurrent jurisdiction in all Québec judicial districts
    • Parties may file proceedings in a judicial district other than the district hearing their matter
    • Matters may be transferred to another judicial district for trial
  • March 28: For the duration of the state of emergency, proceedings to be served by bailiff may also be served using technological means, according to the rules laid out in article 133 of the Code of Civil Procedure
    • Self-represented parties may not unreasonably refuse receipt of an electronic document
    • Notaries may close notarial acts remotely using technological means
  • March 15: Limitation periods and filing deadlines for prescription, forfeiture, and civil procedure are suspended until the end of the state of emergency

Court of Appeal

  • May 1: Beginning May 25, 2020, the Court will resume hearing appeals and applications before a panel of judges, by videoconference in a virtual courtroom
  • April 15: Single judge motions, including non-urgent motions, may be heard remotely by videoconference
  • April 7: On April 9, 2020, as part of a pilot project, the Court will launch the first phase of its future digital court registry office, a project that has been underway for several months
    • The electronic platform to be rolled out on that date will initially be available only for appeals as of right in civil matters
    • The Court is working to gradually expand e-filings to include other pleadings
    • All appeals on the merits scheduled on the rolls for the weeks of May 4 to 8 and May 11 to 15, 2020 are adjourned indefinitely
    • Except for motions to dismiss an appeal, which may be dismissed without a hearing and without costs, motions scheduled on the roll for May 4 or 11, 2020 are adjourned indefinitely, unless the Court registry office sends a notice indicating that the matter will be heard via technological means
    • Urgent matters will continue to be heard on a case-by-case basis
  • March 25: All hearings that would have been held between April 6 and May 1, 2020 are adjourned indefinitely
    • However, parties may request to have their matter heard in writing
  • March 18: New in-person filings continue to be accepted, but parties are encouraged to delay filing non-urgent appeals
  • March 17: Limited operations until further notice
    • All hearings that would have been held between March 17 and April 3, 2020 are adjourned indefinitely
    • Only urgent matters will be heard, on a case-by-case basis

Superior Court

  • April 17: In the judicial districts of Montréal, Laval, and Québec, the Court has broadened the list of matters that will be heard
  • April 6: All trial hearings scheduled until May 29, 2020 are adjourned indefinitely, but urgent hearings will continue to be held
  • March 27: The original copy of any new proceeding must be filed at the courthouse
  • March 25: In the Commercial Division, all non-urgent hearings are adjourned indefinitely, and only strictly urgent matters will be heard, on a case-by-case basis and by teleconference only
    • The Court will hear only urgent applications for which the parties have made serious efforts to settle as many aspects as possible and strictly limit the debate to that which is urgently necessary
  • March 18: Limited operations until further notice
    • Certain designated courtrooms remain open for urgent matters, but the Court encourages parties to use technological means to manage cases remotely
    • New filings of urgent originating applications at the Court's registry offices remain possible, but the Court encourages parties to file non-urgent originating applications by mail
    • All uncontested motions for adjournment, regardless of the number of previous adjournments, will be allowed without the need for parties to be present in court
    • Parties may make motions to adjourn by telephone or e-mail on the day before the scheduled hearing date
  • March 13: Regarding hearings, only urgent matters will be heard in all courts during the state of emergency
    • These include, for example: Interlocutory injunctions, safeguard orders, opposition to seizures, or any matter judged urgent by the courts
    • The Attorney General of Québec may be served by e-mail during this period (French only)


  • March 20: All limitation periods and filing deadlines, including regarding intended proceedings, are suspended until the end of the state of emergency, and the suspension is retroactive to March 16, 2020.

Court of Appeal

  • April 6: All hearings will be conducted remotely until further notice
    • Parties will not be required to file hard copies of documents for all matters to be heard on or after April 14, 2020
    • All documents must be filed electronically by e-mail, by online file sharing service, or by USB key delivered by mail or courier
    • Documents may be served electronically
  • March 30: Before the Court of Appeal only, the suspension of filing deadlines does not apply to civil proceedings in which a notice of hearing has been sent and which proceedings have not been adjourned, and civil proceedings that are being case managed
  • March 17: Except as otherwise provided, the Court of Appeal will suspend all scheduled appeals for a period of 3 weeks (until April 3, 2020)
    • During this period, urgent appeals will be heard based on written materials or remotely
    • Parties on non-urgent appeals can request that their appeal be heard in writing
    • Single judge motions will continue to be heard remotely as scheduled for the week of March 16, 2020, and motions may proceed on filed written materials on consent of the parties

Superior Court of Justice

  • March 15: Limited operations until further notice, and all hearings are adjourned
    • The Court will continue to hear urgent matters during this emergency period; A hearing may be conducted in writing, by teleconference or videoconference, unless the Court determines that an in-person hearing is necessary
    • Parties can expect the Court to grant extensions of time once the Court's normal operations resume, although as of March 16, 2020, limitation periods and filing deadlines are suspended
  • March 20: Filings will continue to be accepted at the Court's Registry offices but filing by email is encouraged. As of Monday March 23, 2020, the list of documents that can be e-filed or issued through the Province of Ontario's e-filing portal is being expanded to include additional documents (Rule 4.05.01 of the Rules of Civil Procedure):
    • A Statement of defence, including a counterclaim or a crossclaim, and a defence to counterclaim or to crossclaim
    • A notice of discontinuance and a consent to discontinuance
    • A third-party claim and a third-party defence
    • A jury notice, and
    • A certificate of action under section 36 of the Construction Act  

British Columbia

  • April 15: All limitation periods and filing deadlines, including regarding intended proceedings, except those established under the Builders Lien Act and Division 5 of Part 5 of the Strata Property Act, are suspended until May 29, 2020
  • March 20: Affidavits may be commissioned and filed electronically

Court of Appeal

  • April 20: Electronic filing is mandatory for all parties beginning May 4, 2020
    • The registry is accepting filings in all matters, urgent or non-urgent, and parties are encouraged to advance their appeals
    • Beginning May 4, 2020, the Court will hear all appeals, including those that are not urgent, by videoconference, unless otherwise directed
    • Beginning May 4, 2020, the Court will hear all chambers applications and Registrar's appointments, including those that are not urgent, by teleconference or in writing
  • March 30: Deadlines mandated by Court order or direction are unaffected by the March 26 suspension, but parties may seek extensions
  • March 17: Limited operations until further notice
    • Filings at the Court's registry offices remain possible, but parties are encouraged to file their documents electronically
    • All hearings and other matters currently scheduled to occur between March 18, 2020 and May 1, 2020 are adjourned, unless otherwise directed
    • Matters that "must proceed" (e.g. urgent criminal, family law or child protection matters) will be heard remotely by teleconference or in writing
    • Parties in matters not designated as matters that must proceed may request in writing to the Chief Justice that the matter proceed by teleconference or in writing

Supreme Court

  • May 4: Parties are no longer required to file draft materials when requesting an urgent insolvency hearing
  • April 27: Parties may submit written applications notwithstanding the requirement in Rule 8-6 of the Supreme Court Civil Rules that an order be made at a case planning conference
  • April 21: Electronic filings will now also be accepted through a Web portal
  • April 17: The Court will gradually begin hearing non-urgent matters that were scheduled for hearing until May 29, 2020 by teleconference
    • Parties may raise only one disputed issue per hearing; there is no restriction on the number of undisputed issues that may be raised
  • April 16: All matters scheduled for hearing until May 29, 2020 are adjourned indefinitely
  • March 25: Registry offices will no longer offer in-person services, and filings will only be accepted by fax, mail, online portal, or secure drop box
  • March 18: Limited operations until further notice, and the Court will only hear essential and urgent matters
    • Presumptively urgent matters include, for example: Preservation orders, urgent injunction applications, and urgent orders in the nature of habeas corpus, certiorari, mandamus and prohibition
    • Parties will appear by telephone or video, where appropriate and available
    • The Court encourages parties to file urgent documents electronically, whenever possible  


  • March 30: Limitation periods and filing deadlines are suspended from March 17 to June 1, 2020, subject to the exceptions detailed below

Court of Appeal

  • April 1: Affidavits may be commissioned remotely by videoconference
  • March 23: Matters will continue to be heard by videoconference or teleconference, but in-person hearings will no longer be held
    • Documents may be filed in-person via a secure drop box, but parties are encouraged to file by e-mail or fax
    • Where an appeal (fast track, standard or criminal appeal) has not yet been set for hearing, and the deadline to order or commence preparation of the appeal record and transcripts or for the filing of appeal records, transcripts, factums, extracts of key evidence and books of authorities falls on or prior to May 4, 2020, the deadline is extended by 2 months; all other deadlines are unaffected
  • March 16: Effective March 23, 2020, any matters set down before a single duty judge of the Court of Appeal will be heard by telephone conference unless otherwise directed
    • Appeals and applications to be heard by a three judge panel of the Court of Appeal will be heard electronically (via videoconference or telephone) unless otherwise directed
    • Case Management Officers remain available to consider any requests for extensions, fiats or other administrative directions

Court of Queen's Bench

  • April 21: All hearings scheduled until May 31, 2020 are adjourned indefinitely
    • The Court will hear only urgent matters
    • All filing deadlines under the Alberta Rules of Court are suspended until May 31, 2020, with the exception of those Rules applicable to the commencement of proceedings
  • March 31: The Court encourages parties to access alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, including mediation and arbitration, to reduce delays in resolving disputes
    • Effective March 30, 2020, the Court will process all Consent Orders resolving any matter over which the Court has jurisdiction, including non-urgent matters and Consent Orders to enforce Mediation or Arbitration Awards, by email or fax
  • March 26: Requests for emergency or urgent hearings should be made using the online form
    • The following Commercial matters will likely be considered urgent:
      • Initial Orders under the CCAA;
      • CCAA stay extensions (if parties agree, a draft Order on consent can be forwarded to the Justice);
      • Receivership Applications;
      • Plans of Arrangements;
      • Injunctions;
      • Approval and Vesting Orders;
      • Sales Orders, which have been pre-scheduled;
      • Urgent bankruptcy applications
    • March 25: Affidavits may be commissioned remotely by videoconference
    • March 15: Limited operations until further notice, and the Court is limiting hearings to emergency or urgent matters only
      • Emergency matters, defined as those in which serious consequences to persons or harm to property may arise if the hearing does not proceed, or if there is a risk of loss of jurisdiction or expiration of an existing protection or restraining order, include orders relating to the pandemic, injunctions where there is prima facie urgency, and preservation orders
      • Urgent matters that will continue to be heard by the Court of Queen's Bench include receivership/CCAA stay extensions, Anton Piller or Mareva-type injunctions, and freezing orders
      • The filing process is unaffected, and filings continue to be accepted in person or by fax


  • Limitation periods and filing deadlines are unaffected

Court of Appeal

  • April 3: All appeals will be heard by videoconference, and all motions or applications will be heard by teleconference
  • March 18: In-person filings continue to be accepted
    • Judges will take these exceptional circumstances into account when considering extensions
    • The Court will be flexible regarding the filing of documents with formal requirements, with counsel undertaking to file the originals respecting all formal requirements prior to the heading date
    • Counsel will be notified by phone of judgements ready for pickup at the registry office, and judgements will be sent to the parties by e-mail
  • March 16: All appeal and chamber matters, up to April 17, 2020, are adjourned indefinitely
    • The Court may hear urgent matters by teleconference; it may also hear appeal or chamber matters by writing upon consent of the parties

Court of Queen's Bench

  • May 5: All trials scheduled for the period from May 26 to June 30, 2020 will proceed in person
    • Non-trial hearings will continue to be heard remotely, by teleconference or videoconference
  • April 7: All matters to be heard before a master prior to or on May 22, 2020, except child protection dockets, are adjourned indefinitely
    • All unopposed Trustee Discharges will be dealt with during the suspension period and trustees may also submit their Statements of Receipts and Disbursements for taxation in the normal manner
    • Urgent matters will continue to be heard, at the masters' discretion
  • April 1: Parties are encouraged to refrain from making non-essential filings
    • Essential filings include, for example, those that must be made because of an upcoming deadline
  • March 23: New filings continue to be accepted by mail, courier, fax, e-mail, or in person via a secure drop box
  • March 17: All matters are adjourned indefinitely, but urgent or emergency matters continue to be heard, on a case-by-case basis  


  • Limitation periods and filing deadlines are unaffected

Court of Appeal

  • March 23: All appeals and applications to be heard by a three-judge panel, as well as all chambers matters to be heard by a single judge, will be heard by teleconference or videoconference
    • Parties may consent to have their matter proceed in writing or to have it adjourned indefinitely
    • Filings of documents to the registry office are accepted by regular mail, email, fax, or through the web portal, but they will no longer be accepted in person
  • March 17: All lawyers and self-represented individuals slated to appear before the Court may make their submissions by telephone

Court of Queen's Bench

  • April 23: The Court will consider non-urgent consent orders
    • Affidavits may be commissioned remotely by electronic means; unsworn affidavits may still be filed, but they may not be sufficient for a matter to proceed
    • As of May 1, case management matters will be heard by teleconference
    • As of June 1, the hearing of pre-trial conferences will resume by teleconference or in person
    • As of June 1, the Court will resume hearing non-urgent chambers applications by teleconference
  • March 19: Limited operations until further notice
    • Regarding hearings, only urgent and emergency matters will be heard by the Court, and most of those will be heard by phone or video conference; All civil trials currently scheduled to commence prior to May 31, 2020, and that have not yet commenced, are adjourned indefinitely
    • Chambers will be held by telephone on the regularly scheduled civil chambers dates for each respective judicial centre, to deal with urgent matters; Non-urgent matters scheduled for chambers are adjourned indefinitely
    • All pre-trial conferences are cancelled and must be re-scheduled
    • Filings continue to be accepted in person via a drop box, and they will also be accepted by mail; documents which cannot conveniently be dropped off in person or sent by mail will also be accepted by e-mail

Nova Scotia

  • Counsel in all matters are encouraged to cooperate to determine what matters can be dealt with through alternative measures, such as telephone and video conferencing
  • Limitation periods are unaffected; certain filing deadlines are affected, as explained below

Court of Appeal

  • April 28: Only urgent and essential chambers matters will proceed as scheduled and will be heard by telephone
    • The Court registry continues to accept filings of new notices of appeal
  • March 27: All hearings scheduled for the May/June 2020 term are adjourned and will be rescheduled for the fall, and all filing deadlines related to those matters are suspended
    • The time periods for commencing appeals under Rules 90.13(3) and 90.14 of the Civil Procedure Rules will be suspended for the period from March 26 to June 26, 2020; this does not apply to appeal periods set out in other legislation
    • The deadline for making the motion for date and directions in Rule 90.25(2) will also be suspended for this period
  • March 16: All appeals scheduled for the March/April term will be adjourned; The Court will review the docket for exceptional matters that must proceed and will contact the parties
    • Regarding filings, parties may make a written request to the Registrar to file documents electronically

Supreme Court

  • April 29: General Chambers matters will proceed remotely by telephone and will be held daily from Monday to Friday in Halifax at 9:30 am
    • In active consumer proposals, commercial proposals, and bankruptcy files, the limitation periods for holding meetings of creditors are suspended until June 30, 2020, and certain other requirements relating to trustee hearings, mediation, and default are relaxed
  • April 21: The Court will begin hearing some non-urgent matters remotely
  • April 17: Documents that require personal service may be served by e-mail
  • April 2: Affidavits may be commissioned remotely by videoconference
  • March 28: Filing deadlines outlined in the Civil Procedure Rules, for civil and family matters in the General Division only, are suspended until further notice; the suspension period is retroactive to March 19, 2020
    • Filing deadlines established by legislation, such as the deadlines contained in the Limitations of Action Act or the Probate Act, are unaffected
  • March 26: All filings must be made by e-mail or fax, and physical copies will no longer be accepted
    • Only urgent or essential documents should be filed
    • Unsworn affidavits will be accepted, with a sworn copy to be filed at the hearing
  • March 19: Limited operations until further notice
    • Any trials that are currently underway will continue until they conclude
    • All other proceedings will be limited to those deemed urgent or essential Judges will consider alternative measures for the remote hearing of urgent or essential matters

New Brunswick

  • March 23: Affidavits may be commissioned remotely by videoconference
  • March 15: Access to the courthouses in New Brunswick is restricted to only those persons who are necessary to the proceedings before the courts
  • Limitation periods and filing deadlines are unaffected

Court of Appeal

  • April 6: Other than respondent submissions regarding appeals that have been perfected or documents regarding scheduled motions or status hearings, any document having to be filed or any procedure having to be taken under Rules 62 and 63 of the Rules of Court (including the serving of documents) while the April 6th directive is in effect, may be filed or taken up to 30 days from the date upon which the directive is revoked
    • Parties should file documents by email or fax; documents that cannot be filed electronically will be accepted by mail, courier, or secure drop box
    • Affidavits may be commissioned remotely by videoconference
  • March 15: All motions and status hearings will be heard as scheduled, but by telephone conference; if this measure is not possible, hearings will be adjourned
    • Any party claiming that the hearing of an appeal is urgent will be allowed to make a request to be heard by a single judge to determine if the appeal is indeed urgent

Court of Queen's Bench

  • April 7: All previously-scheduled non-urgent commercial insolvency matters are adjourned until June 1, 2020
    • Urgent commercial insolvency matters must be commenced in the judicial district of Saint-John
    • Documents necessary for the hearing of urgent commercial insolvency matters by teleconference must be filed by e-mail
  • April 3: Previously-scheduled matters, except injunctions, motions, or applications related to COVID-19 or other urgent matters, are adjourned until May 29, 2020
    • Documents may be filed in person via a secure drop-box, and the Court will also accept documents filed by mail, courier, e-mail, or fax
    • Some matters will be heard by teleconference, if possible
  • March 15: Limited operations until further notice, and all non-essential or non-urgent matters are being adjourned indefinitely
    • Matters that may be considered in Chambers will continue uninterrupted   

Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Limitation periods are unaffected; certain filing deadlines are affected, as explained below
  • Service of documents on Her Majesty in right of Newfoundland and Labrador can be arranged by contacting either Philip Osborne at or Justin Mellor at

Court of Appeal

  • April 28: The Court will hear appeals scheduled for May and June 2020 by videoconference
    • The Court continues to hear applications in writing, by teleconference, or by videoconference
  • March 26: Unsworn affidavits will be accepted, with a sworn original to be filed as soon as possible
  • March 18: Limited operations until further notice
    • New filings will only be accepted by fax or e-mail, with the payment of filing fees postponed until further notice
    • All appeals are adjourned indefinitely, but urgent matters will continue to be heard remotely, on a case-by-case basis
    • All scheduled applications will be heard by teleconference or videoconference, and new applications will only be heard remotely if they are urgent
    • Service of documents is unaffected, but parties are encouraged to agree on alternative means of service or contact the Court for further direction

Supreme Court

  • April 28: The Court will accept filings for petitions for probate, administration and guardianship of estates, bankruptcy and insolvency matters that can be dealt with ex parte or by consent, interlocutory applications that can be dealt with solely in writing, and consent orders
    • Only matters that can be heard remotely will proceed
    • Filings will be accepted by email, fax, mail, and in person via secure drop boxes
    • The Court will accept unsworn affidavits but may require the affiant to swear to the facts by teleconference or videoconference
  • April 3: All filing deadlines contained in the Rules of the Supreme Court are extended from March 18, 2020 until normal operations resume
  • March 20: The Court will be flexible regarding the filing of sworn documents
    • The Court will accept filings of where a statutory deadline or limitation period is imminent
  • March 18: Limited operations until further notice
    • All hearings are adjourned indefinitely, but urgent matters will continue to be heard in writing or by teleconference or videoconference, on a case-by-case basis
    • Exceptionally, in-person hearings may be held if the Court determines that they are necessary
    • For all non-urgent matters, the Court will grant extensions of time for filing when normal operations resume
    • Only urgent filings are accepted, by e-mail or fax, with the payment of filing fees postponed until further notice
    • Original documents may be required before an order is granted

Prince Edward Island

  • Limitation periods and filing deadlines are unaffected

Court of Appeal and Supreme Court

  • March 24: Only urgent filings, including those necessary to meet a deadline, continue to be accepted in person via a secure drop box; all other filings must be made by e-mail
  • March 20: While new in-person filings continue to be accepted, the Courts will also temporarily accept filings be e-mail or fax, with originals to be filed later
    • Documents filed by e-mail or fax may be served to the other parties as a photocopy or printed copy, using regular service procedures
  • March 18: Limited operations until further notice
    • All non-essential matters are adjourned indefinitely, but urgent or emergency matters will continue to be heard in a manner determined by the Courts (see "Resources" in the lower right-hand corner of the page) (see "Resources" in the lower right-hand corner of the page)


Please monitor our website for additional updates to follow as the situation evolves.

Stay safe everyone.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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